Spider Control

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Oklahomans are no stranger to a wide-variety of spiders and neither is Arrow Exterminators. We have over 60 years’ experience in spider control within the state. Spiders are an essential part of Oklahoma’s ecosystem and help control bug populations, however, the arrival of poisonous spiders within a home can be an immediate justification for spider control.

Many spiders build webs for shelter or gathering food sources, however, not all spiders exhibit this behavior. Spider webs can be found in several different varieties, although the orb web is the most commonly seen. Spider webs are created out of a proteinaceous silk extruded from spinnerets on the spider. The silk that spiders use to weave webs is strong, elastic and very adhesive.

Spiders have become reviled over time as one of the creepiest and most feared organisms in the world. Spiders are often confused to be insects but belong to the arachnid family. Arachnids are characterized by their two body segments, eight legs and lack of wings or antennae.

Most spiders have four pairs of eyes that can be arranged in a wide variety of patterns between species. In some species of spider, the number of eyes they possess can vary from six all the way to none. This is determinate on their natural habitat and evolutionary hunting methods.

Spiders bites on humans generally are rare. The main reason for spider bites on humans has historically been attributed to the spider being threatened. Given the size advantage humans have on spiders, the likelihood of one attacking unprovoked is low.

Oklahoma Brown TarantulaOklahoma Brown RecluseBlack Widow
Oklahoma Brown TarantulaBrown RecluseBlack Widow

Signs of Spiders

Generally, spiders will be found in dark areas that limit the risk of them being disturbed by human interaction. There are many different nesting habits for the wide variety of spiders encountered within Oklahoma. For this reason, there are many different places they can be found within a home.

  • Spider webs– The tell-tale indicator of spiders within a home is the manifestation of spider webs or cobwebs. The size and shape of a web will vary by species, yet as previously stated, the orb web will be the most common. In most instances, these webs will be found in corners within the home.
  • Moist Environments– Moist environments are an attractant for some species of spiders. This is partially due to their reliance on other insects found in these areas as food sources. Locations for these spiders can include bathrooms, basements, and underneath sinks.
  • Attic Spaces– Attic spaces are generally fairly undisturbed and contain many different hiding places for spiders. Storage boxes are a particular lure for spiders because of the various nooks and crannies each box contains. It is important to check wall junctions and closets as well.
  • Egg Sacs– Spiders will affix their egg sacs to various surfaces, hide them in their webs or carry them at all times. The appearance of egg sacs indoors, broken or whole, can indicate that a multitude of spiders could potentially be lurking around a home. This is even more disturbing as each egg sac can contain up to 100 eggs.

Spider Life Cycle

Like all other lifeforms, a spider’s life cycle starts in a baby form then progresses to adulthood. For arachnids, young are developed within eggs instead of a womb as seen with mammals. This is crucial in the way spiders have adapted to develop their young.

  • Egg– Female spiders store sperm after mating until ready to produce eggs. When she is ready, a female spider will build an egg sac out of strong silk to protect her eggs during the embryonic stage. Once the egg sac is finished, the female spider will deposit the eggs inside while individually fertilizing them.
  • Egg Sac– An egg sac can contain several hundred spider eggs or just a few. During this stage, the spiders are growing within the eggs and will hatch within a few weeks. Some species will guard the egg sac, while wolf spiders carry the egg sac with them at all times.
  • Spiderlings– Once a juvenile spider emerges from the egg sac they will resemble an adult spider in a much smaller form. Often spiderlings are different in color than they will be in an adult phase. Spiderlings are known for a process called “ballooning”. During this process, they will release silk into the wind to transport them to a new location.
  • Adult– To increase in size spiders will undergo molting to form a new, larger exoskeleton. After five to ten molts spiderlings will reach their adult form. Once reaching adulthood spiders are ready to mate and begin the life cycle all over. In general, males will die after mating. The average lifespan of an adult spider is one to two years; however, some female tarantulas can live as long as twenty years.

Oklahoma Spider Species

Oklahoma is home to several different species of spiders. The variety of spiders found within the state exhibit a rich diversity. Oklahoma is also home to two of the most venomous spiders in North America, the black widow and brown recluse.

  • Oklahoma Brown Tarantula– The Oklahoma brown tarantula, also known as Texas brown tarantula or Missouri tarantula, thrives within the southern portions of the United States. For this reason, they are one of the most common species of tarantula encountered within these areas. The Oklahoma brown tarantula displays the same hair like coating exhibited by most tarantula species.
  • Black Widow– The black widow spider is notoriously feared across the United States. This poisonous spider is identified by the red hourglass-shaped mark displayed on their lower abdomen, however, the hourglass shape can be yellow or white in some instances. The black widow builds messy webs that don’t match the spiraled orb webs found with other spiders.
  • Brown Recluse– The brown recluse, or fiddleback spider, is one of two North American spiders that contains significant venom. They tend to be nocturnal and prefer dark, dry locations with a snug fit. The venom they possess is necrotic and can induce severe medical problems such as tissue death.
  • Bold Jumping Spiders– The bold jumping spider is the most common of the jumping spiders within North America. Typically, they are black with a pattern of white dots on their abdomen, but they can be orange when in a juvenile stage. The most striking feature of these small spiders is the fluorescent colored fangs they possess.
  • Wolf Spiders– There are many different forms of the wolf spider, with a wide range of body sizes. Wolf spiders are known for carrying their young in egg sacs attached to their spinnerets. For some, this has been learned the hard way by attempting to kill the wolf spider, but breaking the egg sac, and releasing hundreds of babies.
  • Garden Spiders– Garden spiders are found throughout many different continents. Named garden spiders because of their regular arrival outdoors and in gardens, they are sometimes called orb weavers because of their unique orb-shaped webs. The webs of these spiders are incredibly strong and are used for catching food.
  • Daddy Longlegs– Though not technically a spider, these arachnids are treated as spiders by the general public. Daddy longlegs are actually harvestmen. Daddy Longlegs are related to spiders in the same aspect that scorpions, ticks and mites are, but are not characterized as one due to their unique body composition.
  • Southern House Spider– This species is often found within man-made habitations. Cracks and crevices in structure exteriors such as homes and barns become layered with webs from this particular species. Male southern house spiders are frequently misidentified as brown recluse spiders.
  • Crab Spiders– There are a wide variety of crab spiders in existence. In Oklahoma, the most common crab spider species are the goldenrod crab spider and the whitebanded crab spider. These species are generally not found indoors and ambush prey that come near flowers.

Health Threats

Of the spiders listed above, only two are considered a threat to human health. The brown recluse and black widow are commonly found in Oklahoma and can be dangerous to every age group. For this reason, spider control is an issue of safety. Arrow exterminators can keep your property safe with our spider control services.

Brown recluse bites can be accompanied by a wide range of symptoms including localized pain, fever, tissue damage and exposure of muscle tissue. In these extreme cases, skin grafting is required to repair the damage. This is because of the necrotic properties of the brown recluse’s venom.

Black widow bite symptoms mimic the common symptoms of appendicitis, colic or food poisoning. If symptoms are becoming apparent after a black widow spider bite, victims should contact a doctor immediately. Though rare in recent times, untreated black widow bites can be fatal to humans.

Before the possibility of receiving a venomous bite becomes a reality, contact Arrow Exterminators. We have the experience to rid your home or business of spiders with our experienced spider control services. Contact us today to talk with an Oklahoma spider control expert!


  • Seal Cracks– Often spiders will find their way indoors through cracks and holes that provide access inside. To fill these holes, use caulk to make entry less likely. Venting and chimneys also provide easy access for arachnids and should be covered with mesh insect screens.
  • Keep Outdoor Lights Off– Outdoor lights attract a wide variety of pests that spiders use as a food source. By keeping outdoor lights off during night times, you can make your home less appealing to spiders. It is important to also block indoor lights from shining through windows with the use of shades.
  • Clear Vegetation– Vegetation provides an excellent hiding spot around a home for a variety of pests, spiders included. Removing mulch, stones, and leaves near the home will eliminate spots for spiders to hide. Clearing vegetation that connects to the home will also eliminate transit lines to a home.
  • Maintain Cleanliness– A clean home is less likely to be attractive to pests because food sources will be more scarce. Clutter provides ideal hiding spaces for spiders, as many prefer dark places for shelter. An abundance of cardboard boxes in areas such as a garage or attic can provide endless hiding spots for spiders.
  • Spider Traps– Spider traps can be used as a catching method much like cockroach traps. These adhesive traps work to bind the spiders to the glue surface and, as a result, kill them. These glue traps should be discarded and replaced when spiders become prevalent on their surface.
  • Remove Webs– Egg sacs and spider webs are easily removed with a vacuum. This can be very effective for removing spiders that are typically not at ground level. In most cases, this method of prevention is not effective if large populations of spiders are already present.
  • Apply Insecticide– If prone to spider infestations, homeowners may elect to apply insecticide to corners and cracks that may be utilized by spiders. It is important to remember that the insecticide you use must be pet-friendly if you have pets within the home. In general, the most commonly used insecticide against spiders contains pyrethroid in some form.
  • Peppermint Oil– One idea that has become popular is spreading a mixture of peppermint oil and water around transit areas. It has been said that spiders can detect the smell of peppermint oil and find it intolerable. Some homeowners say that eucalyptus and tea tree oil will have the same effect.
  • Diatomaceous Earth– Diatomaceous earth is a powder made by naturally-formed fossils. This powder cuts the exoskeleton of spiders and other low-bodied pests to induce death. When the exoskeleton gets cut, bodily fluids begin to leak and the spider dies from dehydration.
  • Contact an Exterminator– Spider infestations can take their toll on homeowners. In some cases, preventative measure or exterminator intervention may be required. Arrow Exterminators has over 60 years’ experience in providing Oklahoma spider control. We understand that spiders are essential to controlling bugs and keeping Oklahoma healthy; however, if you have brown recluse or black widow spiders in your home, you undoubtedly understand the importance of spider control.

Why Arrow Exterminators?

Contact Arrow Exterminators and our spider control experts will help solve all of your creepy crawler problems. Protect your loved ones, young and old, from potentially dangerous spiders. Weave a web of protection around your home, shed, or any outdoor structure with Arrow Exterminators. We know how to get rid of spiders.

If you’re experiencing a problem with spiders, contact us to schedule your free no obligation evaluation.